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5414 9899 23A Lyttleton Street Castlemaine, Victoria Mon - Fri 6.00am - 8.00pm, Sat 9.00am - 5.00pm, Sun 10.00am - 1.00pm
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Proactive with Miles

Proactive with Miles

Proactive’s highly regarded exercise physiologists (EPs) support participants living with a variety of health conditions, injuries or disabilities to improve their independence and quality of life. Using their extensive knowledge of the science and physiology behind movement, our EPs create and prescribe unique movement and rehabilitation programs that help you meet your goals while redefining your relationship with exercise to one that is achievable, sustainable and lifelong – so you can continue to reap the immense benefits of exercise for the years to come.

Event Hours(2)

  • Tuesday

    08.30 - 16.00

  • Thursday

    08.30 - 16.00